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i loved you

im being extremely dramatic but this is my website at the end of the day i get to be dramatic cuz i made this for you

a part of me hopes you see this , another part of me hopes you never stumble across this again. im doing this just so i can move on. might get embarrased and change it again at some point but for right now this is right for me

i still wish you nothing but the best, i still hope things work out for you, i still love you and i probably always will. but i need to accept that you dont, not anymore. and that youre gone from my life now. forever. i can only hope you look back on us fondly one day, or that theres a piece of me forever etched into you, or that i helped you out in anyway at all, but thats all i can do. hope. Hope you still care. hope you can still forgive me. but it is unlikely. Less sefishly, i do genuinely hope you get better. hope everything finds a way to work out for you. Still hope you find someone one day, hope you get to make that show you always wanted to, hope you can buy the houses and cars and clothes you wanted to, hope you get to truly live. but again, thats all i can do. id do anything to be a part of that again. but you have moved on .and i cant do anything about it.

Goodbye Brian